Figure out

I think so much or too much on every angle,
and I've got thousands of answers but tons of questions in my mind,
and then I try to figure out what's going on from the third person.

Tend to believe, tend to rely on the witness,
a witness, or just a outsider?
I lose myself, or I don't wanna face myself.
So that I claim that it's all about illusion and confusion.

"What do YOU think?"


"Their words are consistant with my mind, there is nothing.'


"No they, No others, What do YOU think?'


"All I can say, a stranger & a substitute."

"What do YOU really think?'

"I think I need a chance to figure out in-depth."

I need a chance to look in-depth,
But chance seems hard to chase.
No chance, no initimacy, nothing to say.
May I let it go and let it gone?
